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Client Correspondences

A library of suggested text for emails or letters to prompt clients into action.

Michael Schwabe avatar
Written by Michael Schwabe
Updated over 4 months ago

Asset-Map is both a process and software. As part of the process effective communication with clients allows you to provide expert analysis while providing an excellent experience within the Asset-Map landscape. We’ve compiled email and letter verbiage that have proven effective for other subscribers when prompting clients for action or information.

These correspondences are only suggestions so remember to customize them to make them your own. Customize them to suit the occasion and ensure to align them with your organization’s compliance standards. Feel free to use the text of these correspondences to generate your own ideas as you see fit.

Asset-Map does not send emails to your clients. We have provided a head start for you to set up your own email templates in your email program to save you time and quickly summon the right message as needed.

Please note that when the client completes thier Discovery interview it cannot be re-opened.

Please choose the topic you want to address from this list to jump to the relevant text.

Prospect Data Gathering

Topic: Email the Discovery Outbound Link

📝Note: Attach a sample to your email that is household-appropriate. Try to match the sample with the prospect's situation. It doesn't have to be perfect; just come close. We've provided you with samples in your Household Index but you can easily make your own!

Hi [prospect name],

I am using a tool that provides a visual representation of your financial decisions. It will become our ongoing meeting agenda with which we can discuss your situation and options at each meeting. I've attached a sample for you to get an idea of how simple and organized finances can be.

Please click on the following link to get started on your map.

[insert Discovery Outbound link]

This shouldn't take you more than 10-15 minutes. Please use round numbers and rough estimates. I just want to get a foundation for your household's current situation. During our meeting, we'll build onto this foundation together and have a comprehensive visualization on one page. You can use the navigation buttons at the bottom of each survey page to add, remove or correct your entries. Please remember that there is a 14-day security timeout after which the interview is closed.

I will be notified when you complete your survey and I'll reach out to you to finalize your best date and time for a meeting. I look forward to speaking with you soon.

At your service,

[Financial Professional Name]

[Disclaimers if required]

📝Note: Attach a sample to the email.

Dear [Prospect Name if known],

I have taken the liberty of attaching a one-page visual inventory of all the financial elements of a Sample household. Take a look. A visual map like this helps me to determine how best to coordinate and complement what a client is already doing and helps to educate a household to make better financial decisions going forward.

I use this tool as my client meeting agenda. Therefore, I would like you to create your own map!

Click my link below to get started on your map as soon as possible:

[insert advisor inbound link]

Don't worry about details. Just use round numbers and best estimates and we will refine your map when we meet. An accurate Asset-Map Report will enable me to bring more appropriate and relevant ideas and strategies to your table as I become aware of them.

Please reach out to me if you have questions. I’d like to schedule a visit with you at this time.


[Financial Professional Name]

[Disclaimers if required]

Topic: Email a Current Client with their First Asset-Map

You've created a current client's Asset-Map. It's time to send them a copy. Compose an email to your client who is unfamiliar with Asset-Map, to introduce them to their first view of their organized financial life.

📝Note: For use when you've created a client's map manually within our system. You do this when you already know something about your client but desire to learn more about them and/or wish to reengage with them, and where you would not use the Discovery interview. Typically, you would apply a relevant Stencil overlay, which adds gray question tiles to the map. Prompt the user to contact you to fix and fill their information.

Dear [Client Name],

I have taken the liberty of creating your personal Asset-Map for your family and attaching it to this email/letter. It is a visual inventory of all of the financial elements of your household that I/we know about. The map helps us to determine how best to coordinate and complement what you are already doing and also to help educate your household to make better financial decisions going forward.

Please take a moment to print this, mark your corrections and send it back to me. Or, email me your changes and I will take the time to get your Asset-Map Report clean and more accurate for our future conversations. An accurate Asset-Map Report will also enable me to bring more appropriate and relevant ideas and strategies to your table as I become aware of them.

Please reach out to me if you have questions. I will ask that my team to schedule a 30 minute review to make sure we are on the same page.


[Financial Professional Name]

[Disclaimers if required]

Ongoing Client Care

Topic: Client Portal, Set up a Secure Log-in

Use this email to prompt your client to set up their secure log-in to view their Asset-Map online.

Dear [Client Name],

I have your one-page financial map available. Activate your secure log-in to view it by following the link below and completing your secure access credentials. Please note: you have seven days before this link automatically times out. Set up your new account soon!

[insert client's account set-up link]

If you need support at any time, please reach out to me. If you spot something on your map that needs to be corrected please let me know!


[Financial Professional Name]

[Disclaimers if required]

Topic: We've Found a Concern and Proactively Wanted to Reach Out

Use this email when you are exercising your 5-star service to proactively care for your valuable client. You've found they are ill-prepared for a financially disruptive event by running a Target-Map assessment and wanted to clarify what the plan is. This method can be used for a number of financial concerns over the duration of your client relationship.

📝Note: Attach the household's Asset-Map and a relevant Target-Map in the event that a specific Target-Map is underfunded.

Dear [Client Name],

I’m forwarding to you an analysis that I have recently completed for you. It shows that you and [Spouse/Partner Name] are potentially underfunded in the event of a/an unforeseen [death][disability][property-casualty][long-term care][other] situation. Please review and let me know when you have 15 minutes to address this with me this week or next.


[Financial Professional Name]

[Disclaimers if required]

Topic: Pre-meeting Review Request

This text is intended to be used anytime a client meeting is warranted: annual review, household updates, to name a few.

📝Note: attach a copy of the client's Asset-Map to the email.

📝Note: modify this text and ask them to log into their Client Portal (assuming they've set up their secure log-in credentials) instead of attaching their report. Ask them to reach out if something needs to be fixed or filled prior to your meeting.

Dear [Client Name],

Please find the Asset-Map Report that I have prepared for you and your household attached. This report reflects our understanding of your current financial picture. Please review this document at your convenience.

I would like to meet with you to help ensure you are on track toward reaching your financial goals. I will be reaching out to you shortly in order to schedule a time for us to review your Asset-Map.

I look forward to speaking with you soon.


[Financial Professional Name]

[Disclaimers if required]

Email a Questionnaire Link to gain more Insights

You desire to learn more about your prospect or client. You've had us set up your Questionnaire in your account. Now it is time to use it. Invite the prospect or client to complete your Questionnaire. Learn more about Questionnaires here.

(⭐If you don't have Questionnaires in your account, please evaluate the Elite subscription level. Let's discuss. Visit: to set up a quick call.)

Dear [Client/Prospect Name],

So that I have a broader understanding of your situation, I'd like to learn more about your tolerance for risk. Please complete the online Risk Tolerence questionnaire found here: [insert link to online questionnaire]


So that I have a broader understanding of your situation, I'd like to learn what the plan is for certain financial emergencies. Please complete the online assessment questionnaire found here: [insert link to online questionnaire]


It's time for our annual review! Please complete the online, pre-meeting checklist found here: [insert link to online quesionnaire]


I'll look for your responses and reach out to you to set up our next appointment.


[Financial Professional Name]

[Disclaimers if required]


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