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The 6-Step Asset-Map Field Process

Engage your clients in every step of their life's journey

Michael Schwabe avatar
Written by Michael Schwabe
Updated over a week ago

Asset-Map is more than just technology; it is a client engagement strategy. Since its initial development, Asset-Map has been transforming the way financial professionals interact with prospects and clients by allowing them to take a simplified but intelligent approach to providing relevant guidance to their clientele.

This resource and its corresponding PDF, can be used as an introductory guide, a training tool, or a resource for determining how to interact with households using the components of the Asset-Map Platform.

1. Positioning

The positioning step is often a household member’s first introduction to a professional’s process, showing the straightforward approach of Asset-Map Platform Reports.
During this step, the financial professional explains to the household that Asset-Map is a process used with clients that will streamline the experience working with the professional going forward and assist in continuously clarifying their current financial situation and progress.
It is recommended that the financial professional present a demographically similar example, the Asset-Map Comprehensive Sample, pointing out key insights about the condition of the sample household for relational value. We have provided a number of samples in your book of business. Feel free to edit them as you see fit.

👉 Focus Area(s): Positioning
Relevant resources:

*Tip: Samples are also offered to you for free in your Asset-Map Platform by searching your Household Index.  Just type "sample" in the "Find Household" search field.

*Tip: You can also create your own Samples to cater to your business needs using the Household Wizard.

2. Profiling

The profiling step is characterized by fact-finding and creating a visual catalog of the current financial holdings and details (an Asset-Map Report). However, this process slightly varies based on whether the client is labeled prospective or existing.
For a prospective client, it is recommended that the financial professional use Discovery online fact-finder for the client/prospect to create their own Asset-Map and Household in your book of business.

For an existing client, a partially completed Asset-Map could be used to conduct a more thorough examination of the household’s financial instruments and current situation. Start an Asset-Map manually, use a stencil to add additional discussion tiles, and share it with your client asking to fix and fill their treasure map.

👉 Focus Area(s): Fact-finding
Relevant links:

*Tip: You can also create your own Fact Finder Stencils using the Household Creation Wizard.

3. Uncovering

During the uncovering process, it is recommended that the financial professional use Asset-Map Signals™. Signals are means to assess the financial preparedness of a household to fund a sustained loss associated with critical events that commonly disrupt financial security. Signals then suggest an order of addressing each critical event.

Alternatively, the Financial Fire Drills (6Ls) (the six events that commonly change the course of a household's financial well-being) is a best practice sheet to ask revealing questions that elicit the client’s financial priorities. This step underscores the significance and relevance of the financial professional’s guidance.

Elite subscribers can also employ Questionnaires.

The uncovering step commonly marks the conclusion of the first meeting. Schedule the next meeting and enter the gathered information into Asset-Map Platform in order to generate the household Asset-Map and/or Target-Maps with supporting reports. 

👉 Focus Area(s): Asking Questions
Relevant downloads:

4. Discussing

During this step, it is recommended that the financial professional ensure that each meeting participant has a paper copy and a pen, even if the meeting involves a digital display of the reports (e.g., web meeting, mobile device, projector, or big screen).

Gaps, complications, missing information, lack of insurance coverage, past decisions, and holdings should be discussed for clarity, suitability, and appropriateness. Often the collection of financial instruments accumulated by households is haphazard or antiquated relative to their newly expressed goals.

As a best practice, the financial professional reviews the Asset-Map at the beginning of every meeting for accuracy and/or missing relevant information. You are assessing the intentionality of each financial decision and the suitability as well. Proceed to point out the potential issues with the household’s current financial structure and condition by examining the household's Signals and by running relevant Target-Maps.

5. Strategies

Having pointed out the Asset-Map shortfalls, the financial professional suggests potential products, solutions, and strategies that may put the household members in a better financial position.
Discussion of the Target-Map funding often results in a gap in capital available to self-fund a specific financial event (given certain assumptions). The financial professional should use this time to address each Target-Map individually in an appropriate order (usually simplest or expressed priority first) in order to quickly get to the relevant concerns of a household.
Target-Maps will show visually, auditory, and mathematically the conclusion of the cost in present value capital or ongoing inflated savings over time to meet the expected expenses. These capital shortfalls should be coordinated with appropriate options professionals present to households in order to move them closer to achieving their desired funding levels.

👉 Focus Area(s): Implementing Opportunities for a Better Outcome
Relevant link: video: Building Powerful Two-Page Goal-funding Presentations in Asset-Map

6. Reviews

The household review step is a refresh of Steps 2 and 3 in an attempt to stay current on the household financial condition, reveal missing financial instruments, and revisit unaddressed financial goals and priorities.
Every review meeting with the client household starts with a review of the Asset-Map Report. Sending the most recent version beforehand is an accepted best practice to get information prior to the review meeting. Sending periodically ensures that there is a reach-out to the client about their personal situation and has been shown to be highly valued by most households. An alternative would be to remind the client to view their client portal and send you any changes that need to be updated prior to your meeting.
During the review meeting it is recommended that the financial professional ask questions such as the ones found on the “Are We Asking the Right Questions?” best practice sheet. Where appropriate, professionals should create Target-Maps of clearly under-addressed financial priorities prior to the review meeting in order to create a compelling and clear gap that can be discussed for options. Most households want to know that their financial professional is looking out for gaps before they ask about them.

👉 Focus Area(s): Review Meetings
Relevant link: video: Presenting Financial Plans is Over—It's Time for Interactive Engagement

More Resources!

Tags: meeting, conversation, prospecting, prospect, sell, sales, process, questions, experience, review, strategy, strategies, uncover, position, profile, presenting, 6, six, experience, sample, samples, fact finder


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