Advisors have used our Hide, Reveal and Unhide feature to produce and discuss different versions of the client's Asset-Map report without having to create an entirely new Household and Asset-Map.
Use the Hide, Reveal and Unhide options on the financial instruments or the Search and Select tool before printing.
Step 1: Reference our guide on how the Hide, Reveal and Unhide feature works here.
Step 2: Build your Asset-Map with as much data as you know now and what you'll propose.
Step 3. Hide any financials you do not wish to show on the map.
Step 4: Generate the PDF electronic report when ready.
Step 5: Hide or unhide any financials you wish to show or hide as the proposed "future" version.
Step 6: Generate the second PDF with your changes to the Asset-Map.
Please note that changes to the map could also implement unexpected changes to Target-Maps that you've already created.
Resource: here is a method to make an entire copy of an Asset-Map as a new household. ย Click here.
Tags: clone, duplicate, double, before, after, household, asset-map, before/after