Merge Households

Options for making one map from two households

Michael Schwabe avatar
Written by Michael Schwabe
Updated over a week ago

You have two households, each with their own Asset-Map, and you would like to merge them together into one Household and Asset-Map.

Currently, there is no merge feature within the platform. There are several options to handle this situation.

Option 1: Manually Create the Missing Tiles

  1. Decide which household and map to keep.

  2. Manually add the missing member.

  3. Manually create the desired tiles on this one that are found on the other one. Often this is just 4 or 5 tiles instead of needing to recreate an entire map.

  4. Lastly, delete the unneeded household if desired.

Option 2: Convert One Household to a Stencil

  1. Decide which household and map to discard.

  2. Change the type of that household to "stencil" (it is currently probably a Prospective or Client type now). πŸ‘‰ More on that here.

  3. Add a new member on the household you would like to retain.

  4. Apply the stencil to the household you would like to retain using the Apply Stencil tool. This will place all of the tiles onto the map as gray tiles but with the correct information supplied by the client. If you would like to apply only one member's financials, click the "no" option and choose the members using the drop-down boxes.

  5. Click each tile to Save/Update the tiles to colorize them.

  6. Delete any stencil tiles that are not needed. Simply hover over the stencil tile to select a tile to delete. Use the delete tool that appears, to remove all selected stencil tiles from the map.

  7. Lastly, delete the unneeded household if desired.

Option 3: Data Loader

  1. Decide which household and map to discard.

  2. If available, use the Data Loader tool to download (export) the list of financials to a CSV spreadsheet. πŸ‘‰ More on that here.

  3. Open the other household and add the missing member.

  4. Use the Data Loader tool to upload the spreadsheet onto a member of the household. πŸ‘‰ More on that here.

  5. Reassign the uploaded financials as desired.

  6. Lastly, delete the unneeded household if desired.

Option 4: Send Discovery Again

Sometimes it is worthwhile to send a new Discovery link to the client and deleting the two households that were already created.

Option 5: Send a PDF/Paper version

  1. In this option, decide which household to retain.

  2. Add the missing member.

  3. Create a PDF report of its Asset-Map and either email it to the client or mail a hard copy to the client.

  4. Include instructions to respond with modifications/additions.

  5. When returned from the client, update the map manually. πŸ‘‰ More on this option here.

  6. Lastly, delete the unneeded household if desired.

Tags: combine, combination, stencil, merging, merge


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