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Household Index Functions
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Columns and Their Explanations
Column Name | Explanation |
Assets Amount | Sum the Amount field of all Instruments of type Asset |
Assets Annuity Amount | Sum the Amount field of all Instruments of type Asset and Is Annuity Marked True |
Assets Cash Amount | Sum the Amount field of all Instruments of type Asset and in Subcategory: Checking or Savings |
Assets Cash Count | Sum the Total Number of Instruments of type Asset and in Subcategory: Checking or Savings |
Assets Count | Sum the Total Number of Instruments of type Asset |
Assets Investment | Sum the Amount field of all Instruments of type Asset and it is Subcategory: Investing |
Assets Nonretirement | Sum the Amount field of all Instruments of type Asset and Category: Non-Retirement |
Assets Nonretirement Count | Sum the Total Number of all Instruments of type Asset and Category: Non-Retirement |
Assets Residence Amount | Sum the Amount field of all Instruments of Category Real-Estate |
Assets Residence Count | Sum the Total Number of all Instruments of Category Real-Estate |
Assets Residence Equity Amount | The Total Amount value of any Asset of Category Residence with the "Is Residence?" marked True. This value takes the ownership percentage * amount for an asset, if there are multiple, it sums these values. |
Assets Retirement Amount | The Total Amount value of any Asset of Category Retirement. |
Assets Retirement Count | The Total number of Instruments of Type Asset and Category Retirement. |
Client Portal Invite Status | Client log-in status: active, inactive, pending |
Death Benefit Amount | The total Amount value of Insurances in Subcategory: Term Life, Universal Life, Whole Life, and Variable Universal |
Dependent Count | The Total Number of Household Members of Category Dependent |
Expenses Amount | If an Instrument is marked as Type: Income and is negative, sum these negative Amount values |
Expenses Count | The total number of Instruments marked as Type: Cashflow that have a negative Amount value |
Reference Name | List of Instrument Refrence names associated with that Household |
Location / Source | List of Instrument Source names associated with that Household |
# Members | The total number of Household Members associated with that Household |
Incomes Amount | Total Value of the Amount field of all Instruments of Type: Cashflow where Amount is greater than 0 |
Incomes Count | Total Number of Instruments of Type: Cashflow where Amount is greater than 0 |
Income Earned Amount | Total Value of the Amount field of all Instruments of Type: Cashflow |
# Financials | Total Number of Instruments associated with that Household |
Insurance Life Total Coverage Active | The Amount value of all insurances in which the End Date is not Null and the End Date is after "now" (ie the insurance is active) |
Insurance Life Policy Count Active | The Total Count of all Instruments that are Insurances in which the End Date is not Null and the End Date is after "now" (ie the insurance is active) |
Insurances Amount | The summed Amount value of all Instruments of Type Insurances |
Insurances Cash Value Amount | The summed Amount value of all instruments of Type Insurance WHERE Cash Value is not Null and is Greater than or Equal to 0 |
Insurances Count | The total Number of all Instruments of Type Insurances |
Monthly Disability Benefit | The summed Amount value of all Insurances of subtype: Disability. The Amount is calculated based on the "period" of the Disability |
Aggregate Disability Coverage | The summed Amount value of all Insurances of subtype: Disability AND where contract-value is not null (aka empty). The Amount is calculated based on the "period" of the Disability |
Insurance Life Policy Coverage Expired | The summed Amount value of all Insurances with a filled in End Date that has passed. |
Insurance Life Policy Count Expired | The total number of Insurances with a filled in End Date that has passed. |
Insurance Life Total Coverage Near Expiration | The summed Amount value of all Insurances with a filled in End Date that is within the next 365 days |
Insurance Life Policy Count Near Expiration | The total number of all Insurances with a filled in End Date that is within the next 365 days |
Insurance Life Policy Time to next Expiration | The Next-To-Expire Insurance , when compared to all other insurances with filled-out End Date values. |
Insurances Life Amount | The summed Amount value of all Insurances in Subtype: Whole Life, Universal Live, or Variable Universal |
Daily Long-Term Care Benefit | The summed Amount value of all Insurances in Subtype: Long Term Care, with attention paid to the Amount Period field in the calculation. |
Aggregate Long-Term Care Coverage | The summed Amount value of all Insurances in Subtype: Long Term Care, AND where Contrat Value value is not Null (aka empty) with attention paid to the Amount Period field in the calculation. |
Insurances Permanent Amount | The summed Amount value of all Insurances in Subtype: Whole Life, Universal Live, or Variable Universal |
Insurances Term Amount | The summed Amount value of all Insurances in Subtype: Term Life |
Liabilities Amount | The summed Amount value of all Insruments of Type: Liabilitiy |
Liabilities Count | The total number of all Instruments of Type: Liabilitiy |
Liabilities Residence Amount | The summed Amount value of all Liabilities In Subtype: Home Equity, Mortgage |
Liquid Assets Amount | The summed Amount value of all Assets minus Asset:Real Estate and Asset:Nonretirement |
Managed Assets Amount | The summed Amount value of all Assets where Is Under Management is marked True |
Managed Assets Annuity Amount | Sum the Amount field of all Instruments of type Asset and Is Annuity Marked True and Is Under Management marked True |
Managed Assets Annuity Count | Sum total number of Instruments of type Asset and Is Annuity Marked True and Is Under Management marked True |
Managed Assets Cash Amount | Sum the Amount field of all Instruments of type Asset and in Subcategory: Checking or Savings |
Managed Assets Count | Sum the Total Number of Instruments of type Assets with Is Under Management True |
Managed Assets Investment Amount | Sum the Amount field of all Instruments of type Asset and it is Subcategory: Investing in which Is Under Management is marked True |
Managed Assets Nonretirement Amount | Sum the Amount field of all Instruments of type Asset and Category: Non-Retirement and Is Under Management is True |
Managed Assets Nonretirement Count | Sum the Total Number of all Instruments of type Asset and Category: Non-Retirement and Is Under Managment is True |
Managed Assets Retirement Amount | The Total Amount value of any Asset of Category Retirement where Is Under Management is True |
Managed Assets Retirement Count | The Total number of Instruments of Type Asset and Category Retirement where Is Under Management is True |
Accounts Under Management | The total number of all Instruments where Is Under Management is True |
Managed Incomes Amount | Total Value of the Amount field of all Instruments of Type: Cashflow where Amount is greater than 0 and Is Under Managment is True. |
Managed Incomes Count | Total Number of Instruments of Type: Cashflow where Amount is greater than 0 and Is Under Managment is True. |
Managed Insurances Amount | The summed Amount value of all Instruments of Type Insurances where Is Under Management is True |
Managed Insurances Cash Value Amount | The summed Amount value of all instruments of Type Insurance WHERE Cash Value is not Null and is Greater than or Equal to 0 and where Is Under Management is True |
Managed Insurances Count | The total Number of all Instruments of Type Insurances |
Managed Liabilities Amount | The summed Amount value of all Insruments of Type: Liabilitiy and where Is Under Management is True. |
Managed Liabilities Count | The total number of all Instruments of Type: Liabilitiy and Is Under Management is True |
Managed Net Worth | managed_assets_amount - managed_liabilities_amount |
Managed Wallet Share | Ratio of total managed instruments over total instruments |
Milestone | Milestone Name |
Milestone Number | Milestone Number |
Last Milestone | Milestone Last Update |
Net Incomes Amount | The summed Amount value for all Cash Flows |
Net Worth | assets amount - liabilities amount |
Primary Age | Age of First-Created Household Member:Primary |
Primary Birthday In | Birthday of First-Created Household Member: Primary |
Ratio Cash Position | Ratio of Amount value of assets_nonretirement_amount divided by assets_amount |
Ratio Debt | Ratio of Amount value of liabilities_amount divided by assets_amount |
Monthly Disability Replacement Ratio | Ratio of Amount value of insurances_disability_amount divided by income_earned_amount |
Ratio Permanent Life | Ratio of Amount value of insurances_permanent_amount divided by death_benefit_amount |
Ratio Retirement Position | Ratio of Amount value of assets_retirement_amount divided by assets_amount |
Ratio Term Life | Ratio of Amount value of insurances_term_amount divided by death_benefit_amount |
Legal Liability |
Loss of Life |
Liquidity |
Longevity |
# Target-Maps | Total number of Target-Maps attached to that household |
Wallet Share | Sum of all Assets Amount value with Is Under Management is True divided by the sum of All Assets Amount value |
Private? | Is Private is True |
City |
State |
Country |
Currency |
Created (Date) | When the household was created |
Last Modified | The last time the household was updated (background or user) |
Last Modified Advisor | The last time the User manually updated something related to the Household |
Metrics Timestamp | The last time the Household Metrics aggregation process ran on this household |
Name (Household Name) |
Owner |
Status | Household type |
Linked? | Is the household linked to an integration, if so which one (mouse hover)? |
Use Cases
Search for untapped opportunities. Advisors can manage their book of business with intentionality by organizing segments of clients by age by income or by other client statistics (like potential for Long Term Care coverage, getting more accounts under management, or increasing wallet share).
By applying filters and viewing columns, then saving the filter/column layouts, they can revisit the opportunity list of ever-changing clients throughout the year.
Sort a column by clicking its header. Sort for Last Modification date to view the last time the household was opened. The Last Modified date is updated only when the following modifications to a household have taken place:
Creating a Household (manual, via discovery or via integrations)
Creating, Updating or Deleting a Household Member via the app
Creating, Updating or Deleting a Household Instrument via the app
Clicking "Save Household" on the "Household Information" screen