How does Asset-Map handle a Roth conversion, or how can Asset-Map illustrate a Roth conversion?
Even though Asset-Map does not provide an internal or automated Roth conversion calculator, it is possible to illustrate the impact of a Roth conversion if you know what the values are and the tax implications. The internet provides a number of conversion calculators, one of which can be found on our Financial Calculators support article.
On an Asset-Map
Since no calculations are performed on Retirement resources on the Asset-Map you could, instead, show the new dollar value on a retirement asset. Ensuring the Roth check box is checked is helpful for when you run a Target-Map because it indicates a 0% loss to tax.
On a Target-Map
On a Target-Map's What you Have page, ensure the Roth asset has the appropriate Loss to Tax percentage. When checked, all of the Roth will be used to fund all of retirement expenses.
*Note: Asset-Map Platform does not calculate distributions.