Budget and Budgeting

Income and Expenditure Planning

Michael Schwabe avatar
Written by Michael Schwabe
Updated over a week ago

Consider budgeting as planning income verses expenses.

A budget calculator can assist in making an evaluation on monthly and annual dollar value comparisons (Check out our Financial Calculators resource in our Support Center!). Asset-Map Platform speaks in terms of Annual cash flows (annual income, annual expense, and current liability value). Therefore, Asset-Map resides in higher-level, generalized discussions. With that in mind, Asset-Map can provide an impetus for budgeting discussions without needing to be the conduit for specifics.

The conversation of liabilities, expenses, paying off debt and budgeting can be initiated within Asset-Map. Determining how/when/which items to budget for is a conversation the Financial Professional would have with their client.

Here are some ideas within Asset-Map Platform that can help clients and their Financial Professionals understand household cash flows.

πŸ‘‰ Add a Liability Financial to display a currently outstanding balance. This is effective in keeping the topic of paying off loans top of mind. Liabilities added to the map will add to the total value in red font near the client's avatar.

πŸ‘‰ Add an annual Expense Cash Flow financial. The net value of the income and expense cash flows is displayed near the client's avatar. To add an expense cash flow, select Cash Flow from the Actions menu and select an Expense type from the Type drop-down menu.

In this scenario, the debt conversation is illustrated by the current balance of the Loan as well as the effect of the annual payments on the client's earned income.

Let's add more annual expenses and see the effect on the annual earned income. Dramatic! Paying off that auto loan will help them.

A note about Target-Map Funding Goals.

Target-Maps are Present Value Calculators for annual cash flows not well suited to calculate monthly payments with interest. It is better to use a payment calculator like the one found on our Financial Calculators support page.


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