A Financial is a cash flow, liability, insurance, or asset that is represented by a tile on the Asset-Map. The shape and color may vary depending on the type selected.
Add a Financial with the Sidebar Applets Visible
Click the plus icon at the top of the Sidebar applet list.
Choose the type of Financial to create.
Fill in the fields with the red asterisk, which are required to produce the tile on the Asset-Map.
Though not needed to create the financial, enter other information on the Essentials, Details, and Notes page.
Click Create.
Add a Financial with the Sidebar Applets Hidden
Actions menu
Use the Actions menu when the Sidebar applets are hidden. Open the Actions menu by right-clicking on the map or clicking the colorize cross in the left-side navigation menu.
Choose the type of financial to create.
Fill in the fields with the red asterisk, which are required to produce the tile on the Asset-Map.
Though not needed to log the financial, enter other information on the Essentials, Details, and Notes page.
Click Create.
Financials page
Alternatively, navigate to the Financials page in the left-side navigation menu and add a Financial by clicking the desired type and filling in the information.
Cash Value of non-term insurance types will add a second tile on the map, representing the same insurance benefit only if the Policy Owner is selected.
Survivorship Life Insurance Policy
It is possible to illustrate a survivorship life insurance policy, or "second-to-die" policy, by applying two insured members on the life insurance tile to generate a visual that could be impactful for your conversation.
Select Insurance from the Actions Menu
Choose the best insurance type from the Type dropdown menu
Select two insured members.
Check the Joint checkbox.
Complete the rest of the Essentials tab (and Details and Notes tabs if desired)
Click Update
Essentials and Details Tabs
๐The Essentials and Details tab form fields change with the insurance type. The greatest difference is between term and other types. Please take note of those fields.
๐On the Details tab, you'll find a Future Benefit Value checkbox, should you desire to include the benefit value on the Essentials tab in a Target-Map as a Future Value.