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The Asset-Map Glossary

Commonly used terms and features in Asset-Map Platform

Michael Schwabe avatar
Written by Michael Schwabe
Updated over a year ago

👉Actions Menu

Typically used for entering data or selecting various visibility options. It is the menu of activities relevant to the Household page being viewed. The Actions Menu is also available by right-clicking (alternate clicking) on a blank area of the Asset-Map page.


The owner/Lead Advisor of the Household Data. The Lead Advisor's name will be found on the cover page of a household's Comprehensive Report. An advisor has a book of business called the Household Index in their log-in.

👉Avatar (Member icon)

Household Member icon representing humans and entities on the Asset-Map Report.

👉Asset-Map Report

Visual catalog of a household's financial data including assets, liabilities, insurance policies, income flows, and key members. An Asset-Map Report is created as part of a Household. It can be manipulated and presented from its web page, and can be created as an electronic report deliverable. Also, "a one-page visual representation of a household's financial decisions."

👉Balance Sheet

Report includes a list view of the assets, asset location, date of collected data, owner and total amounts. Broken down in categories of Retirement Assets, Non-Retirement Assets, Residence Assets, Liabilities, and Insurance Cash Value. In other words, the household's net worth statement.

👉Beneficiary Report

A report that delineates the assignment of assets or percentage of assets to beneficiaries.


A status selection of a Household where there is currently a business relationship. The Household status can be manipulated on the Household Details page. The status of a household is found on the Household Index in the Status column.


Asset-Map user groups, free to join when a subscriber to Asset-Map Platform.

👉Data Loader

Import and export asset data for a Household using the CSV file format.


An assistant or para-planner needing access to enter information on the Advisors behalf in Asset-Map Platform. They impersonate the Advisor using their own log-in and have limited permissions. They do not have their own book of business (Household Index).

👉 Drafts

Drafts is an illustration tool which presents hypothetical financial instrument changes as part of the client-planner conversation. Placing the Asset-Map in Drafts mode puts the map into a Drafts sandbox where financial instrument additions, deletions and changes can be made without affecting the current Asset-Map until the individual changes are committed.

👉Asset-Map Discovery Interview

Online client/prospect interview for data gathering. Discovery interviews can be initiated through invitations sent by the advisor to specific individuals using the Outbound Discovery tool. Discovery interviews can also be initiated through an advisor lead generation link known as the Inbound Discovery link. This URL may be assigned to a web button or linked in other compliance-approved locations. A QR code is provided within the application for marketing purposes.


Instruments on the Asset-Map related to Income, Assets, Liabilities and Insurance. Typically requiring only 5 data points (type, interested member, name, location/source, and dollar value). Much more information can be entered on other tabs on the Financials' edit window. The information is retained in the platform. Financials are manually created, created by Discovery Interview, or imported from other integrated software.


A container of client information in Asset-Map Platform that houses data on household members and financials. A Household is presented as a list of pages and reports, one of which is the Household's Asset-Map. A Household is assigned (and reassigned) one of the following status types by the Advisor :

  • Client - has business relationship with advisor

  • Prospective - has potential business relationship with advisor

  • Sample - mimics a human household situation or demographic

  • Stencil - an overlay of financial placeholder tiles used upon the other household status types

👉Household Summary Page

The Household Summary Page is the first page that appears after clicking a household name in the Household Index or by searching for and clicking the household's name in the search bar. This page provides a one page visual overview of the household's information.

👉Household Index

The Household Index is a list of client, prospect, sample and stencil data tabulated in a table and organized alphabetically by name. It is the advisor's book of business in Asset-Map Platform. It includes all households the advisor as a Lead advisor has or is Sub-advisor (shared by a work partner) of. The Household Index provides the ability to sort and filter data and columns to assist the Advisor in practice management.


Allow for the import and ongoing syncing of client data from outside sources into Asset-Map Platform.

👉Key Financial Figures

The Key Financial Figures (KFFs) are a roll-up summary of important financial information of a Household, displayed on one page. They are categorized into four areas:

  • Family Planning Ratios

  • Accounts

  • Assets

  • Risk Management

They are calculated per Household using the data entered on the Financials, Members and Entity edit windows.


A saved view of alternative avatars selected to be in the middle of the Asset-Map Report. The default Layout depicts the primary member or the primary and spouse avatars. Avatars are selected by clicking the name tags at the top of the Asset-Map report, turning "on" or "off" the desired avatar. The new arrangement may be save as a Layout which can be optionally included with the client report.

👉Legal Entities

Legal Entities are Members of the following types: Corporations, Partnerships, Trusts, Charities, Foundations or other entities that can be added to a Household's Asset-Map.


A drawing tool available on every page on the Asset-Map Platform. It is used by the advisor to highlight points of conversation with the client/prospect. Select and change line colors, move marks to new locations, and erase marks. Keyboard shortcuts are available. Marks cannot be saved due to compliance concerns but play a favorable role at the point of client engagement.


Members are the representations of humans or entities on an Asset-Map. Members are displayed as avatars on the Asset-Map report.


Milestone functionality in Asset-Map tracks key household advice delivery interactions associated with advisor efforts around clients and prospects. A Milestones menu can by customized by the advisor purchasing the Elite plan. The advisor elects to manually assign a Milestone to the household on the Milestones tile found on the Household Summary page. Milestone status and assignment data are tracked on the Household Index.

👉Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)

An identity verification feature as part of log-in security delineating trusted devices set by the subscriber.


Notes are additional data that can be typed into the Notes tab on the edit windows of Financials and Members. They can also be type into a Notes field for Target-Maps, Signals and Milestones (depending on the plan purchased). Notes text can be formatted using supplied formatting tools and are optionally printable with a report.


Email and in-app alerts indicating the status of Discovery interviews and sub-advisor status.

👉Policy Summary

An insurance coverage report that includes a Household's Life Insurance, Disability Insurance, and/or Long-term Care insurance policy information.

👉Platform Menu

The platform preferences menu found by clicking the advisor likeness in the upper right area of Asset-Map Platform. Customize advisor and organization preferences, access Support, access the Asset-Map referral program, Target-Map Preferences, view Billing information, view Terms of Services and provide Feedback.

👉Prospective Household

A status selection of a Household where there is a potential business relationship. The Household status can be manipulated on the Household Details page. They are found in the Household Index in the Status column along with other Household status types.


A collection of customized questions and answers supplied by the subscriber and transformed by our Developers into an online interview for supplemental data gathering purposes. A Questionnaire is available for all Households in the advisor's book of business and answers are maintained within each Household. Questionnaires may be retaken and a historic record is kept of past completed Questionnaires. Questionnaires are available at the Elite subscription level.


A status selection of a Household that can be used to illustrate a client demographic, work situation, financial situation and family situation. Samples can be used to help explain to prospects what an Asset-Map is. They are found in the Household Index in the Status column along with other Household status types. The user has the ability to make Samples as they desire.


Asset-Map Signals™ help financial professionals diagnose potential financial events that can knock a client off-course from their financial goals and prioritize next best actions to mitigate negative household impacts. Signals examine the financials entered onto the Asset-Map and suggest an order of analysis of potentially disruptive financial events with the understanding that the best relationship takes a look at all situations.


A custom Asset-Map template overlay representing placeholders of financials common to demographics that can be applied to other status types of Household. Stencils can be created like any other household, yet the Stencil status determines its use within the Apply Stencil tool. The user has the ability to make Stencils as they desire.


A work partner of the Lead Advisor that has been granted limited view and edit access of a single Household by the Lead Advisor.


Needs based analysis of a Household's Asset-Map highlighting the funding gap of a Household's financial goals. The five common default Target-Map funding goals include:

  • Loss of Life

  • Disability

  • Long Term Care

  • Education

  • Retirement

  • There is also a Custom Target-Map and a Template Custom Target-Map.

Target-Maps attempt to quantify the dollar amounts of common desires for each type of goal conversation by examining the client's Asset-Map. They also attempt to automatically select appropriate funding based on the Asset-Map financials. They are governed by values set in the Target-Map Preferences.

👉Team Settings

Organization settings entered by the advisor that includes branding options, disclaimer customization, seat license purchases and seat license assignments, as well as providing advisor production activities within the platform.


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