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Custom Branding for Elite Subscribers
Custom Branding for Elite Subscribers

Establish your brand within Asset-Map Platform

Michael Schwabe avatar
Written by Michael Schwabe
Updated over a week ago

  • Platform (Navigation bar) logo - Put your logo at the top of every Asset-Map Platform page

    • Includes branding on your Questionnaires

    • Includes branding on your Client Portal experience

  • Dashboard background image - Make your brand prominent on the initial entry page with a custom background image.

  • Discovery Interview branded color - Select your brand color to apply to your Discovery Interview data gathering tool.

  • Customized personal report page - Add a custom page about you, your company, your process or something else, to optionally include in your client-facing reports.

How to Apply your logo to the Navigation Bar

After your request to or your in-app request using our in-app chat to turn on these functions has been completed:

  • Click your likeness in the upper right area and select Team Settings from the menu

  • In the Organization Logo area, drag and drop or click to select your firm's logo

  • Click "Save Upload"

  • Note: Your current logo, if already applied, will appear on the navigation bar. There is nothing more to do unless you'd like to exchange it.

  • Technical stuff: It is recommended for the logo’s aspect ratio to be close to 5.45 to 1 (for every 5.45 pixels of width add 1 pixel of height). This will add a good looking landscape style logo to the navigation bar in the Asset-Map application. The navigation bar will not expand in height to fit the logo. Rather, the logo will shrink to fit the dimensions of the navigation bar. If you add a logo that is particularly tall it will look small in the navigation bar.

Your logo will appear on each Asset-Map page in the platform as well as on the Questionnaires you send to clients.

How to Apply your Dashboard Background Image

Keep in mind that there are size and resolution considerations. A good rule of thumb is if the image looks good as your desktop background it will look good in Asset-Map. An image of 1920 x 1080 pixel resolution should do just fine. Images will either be automatically expanded or reduced to fit the constraints. Therefore the image may look pixalated if the image is of a smaller-than-optimal resolution size.

Please do one of the following:

  • Supply us with an image that represents you or your firm and complies with the image considerations above. We will apply it to your account. You and the other seats purchased on your account will see the new dashboard experience. Email with your background image attached and your request to apply your background image.

  • Or, supply us an image URL address and we will apply it to your account. If you already have a background image out on the web that is publicly accessible, provide us the URL. We'll take care of the rest. Email with your background image URL and with your request to apply your background image.

  • Technical stuff: Should you wish to include your logo on your background image, please ensure that your logo is at least 140.6 pixels from the bottom of your image so that your logo will clear our permanent bottom menu border.

How to Apply your Discovery Interview Primary Color
(Your primary color to represent your brand)

  • Click your likeness in the upper right area and select Team Settings

  • Scroll to the Discovery Settings section

  • Click the Discovery Custom Color color box to pick your color or enter a valid hexadecimal value. Your brand expert or web developer may be able to provide this to you.

  • You must press UPDATE at the bottom of the Team Settings page to save your changes.

    Note: we do not recommend use of white because at this time white is the set font color as well.

How to Implement your Custom Personal Report page

A custom report page is a PDF document which you supply to us and that we add to your account. It becomes a page for you to include in a comprehensive, multi-page client report or can be downloaded separately.

Some examples we've seen: a personal biography page, an "Our Philosophy" page, or a check list you wish your clients to have.

Send your PDF document to with your request to add your custom report page to your account.

*Note - Custom Branding is for Elite Subscribers Only. Looking to upgrade to take advantage of these features? Reach out to us and share your questions.


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