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Visually illustrate actions to financial instruments on an Asset-Map

Michael Schwabe avatar
Written by Michael Schwabe
Updated this week

An example of an advisor discussing the move of a CD to a Joint Brokerage account.



Drafts (available for Professional and Elite subscription plans, depending on organizational needs) allow for the presentation of changes to financial instruments, members, entities, and legal instruments during client-planner discussions. When the Asset-Map is set to Drafts mode, it enters a Drafts sandbox where modifications—such as additions, deletions, and changes to financial instruments, members, entities, and legal instruments—can be made without impacting the current Asset-Map until those changes are finalized. Individual changes are not incorporated into the Asset-Map until the planner confirms them. Drafts do not influence Target-Maps unless the changes are committed.

Some potential uses for Drafts include (but are not limited to):

  • **Scenario Analysis:** A client might be considering various investment avenues or insurance policies. Using Drafts a professional can add these options to the Asset-Map, demonstrating how each choice might impact the overall financial picture.

  • **Reviewing Current Investments:** Periodic reviews might highlight underperforming assets. Drafts can be used to alter or delete these from the visualization, suggesting better alternatives.

  • **Future Planning:** Whether it's for retirement, child education, or any other goal, Drafts allows professionals to include new financial instruments that align with future objectives, enabling clients to envision their financial journey ahead.

  • **Feedback Incorporation:** After a client meeting, the feedback can be quickly translated into actionable changes in the Asset-Map using Drafts. Multiple iterations can be maintained until the client is satisfied with a particular plan.

Please note:

  • Drafts do not affect Target-Maps.

  • Financials, members, entities, and legal instruments that are created, removed or edited in Drafts mode are colored with rose-colored fill.

  • Elements that are committed to the map within Drafts mode change the tile color to the typical Asset-Map white or yellow fill color. There is no undo button however you may continue to edit the committed tile in Drafts mode.

  • Pay close attention to verify related Target-Maps to ensure the proper funding is applied after a Drafted financial is committed.

  • We recommend using the Drafts Notes feature to document and keep track of your drafted changes. Each saved Draft scenario has its own Notes.

  • The Drafts option appears when on the Asset-Map page of the household.


A "Draft" is a collection Asset-Map changes that can be named and saved as a Draft, but not committed to the client's map. A planner can create a number of Drafts for a household's Asset-Map, any one of which can be displayed with a few clicks. The option to commit instrument changes allows the advisor to implement the agreed-upon changes to the client's map.

👉Get Started

To get started, either right (alternate) click on the Asset-Map and select the Drafts option, or from the Asset-Map page, use the Actions menu on the left navigation icon bar to select Drafts.

A prompt to name the new Draft will be supplied, as well as a drop-down menu to select and view a previously named Draft is presented.

Rename a Draft by double-clicking the Draft's name in the Draft's toolbar. It's important to name it appropriately because the name of the Draft appears on the electronic copy.

Once named and created the Drafts sandbox has now been activated. Once selected, you will see a watermark overlay on the Asset-Map. Use the same menu to open previously saved Drafts.

👉Turn off Drafts mode

Use the "X" icon on the Drafts toolbar at the bottom of the page to get out of Drafts mode anytime. Draft mode changes will be saved in the named Drafts sandbox and will be represented if the Draft is reopened. When turned off, the original Asset-Map will appear with any committed changes.

Pay close attention to verify related Target-Maps to ensure the proper funding is applied after a Drafted financial is committed.

👉Add-Delete-Edit Elements

All elements associated with Drafts actions will retain a rose-colored fill or an icon indicating the type of edit made.

Add elements - use the action icons at the bottom of the page on the Drafts toolbar to add desired elements.

Complete the edit window, ensuring you add data to all three tabs as desired and save the financial. The color will be changed and the associated action will be represented on the tile.

Delete elements - click on the desired element which is already on the client's Asset-Map to open its typical edit window, then click its trashcan icon to designate a removal from the map. The item will not be removed but the color will be changed and the associated action will be represented on the tile.

Edit elements - click on a desired element that is already on the map to make changes to it within its edit window. Press update to save your draft changes. The element will be saved in draft mode and will not be committed until the commit function is used. The color will be changed and the associated action will be represented on the tile.

👉 Show/Hide Drafts

Use the Hide Changes button on the tool bar to hide the drafted elements and bring them back to enhance your conversation with your client. Prepare your Draft for the client meeting, hide your changes, show the client their current financial situation, then unhide your Draft to display the scenario.

👉Download an Electronic Copy

Use the PDF icon in the upper right area in Drafts mode to generate an electronic copy of the Draft. Please consider any compliance matters when using it as client facing material. Please note that Drafts are not present on the Household's Reports Center page.

The Draft download will display the "Draft" watermark as well as rose-colored elements.

Please note: Drafts are not available on the Report Center to be downloaded as part of a client-facing comprehensive report.

👉Commit or Reject Draft Changes

While in Drafts view, click the element to be committed, select the Drafts tab. The list of actions to be committed to that item is listed. Select to accept the action(s) or reject the action(s) to the specific instrument. The changed element will be committed to the map while in Draft mode and can be edited again. Remember to consider cataloging your changes using the Drafts Notes feature.

Pay close attention to verify related Target-Maps to ensure the proper funding is applied after a Drafted financial is committed.

👉Delete a Draft

Delete a named Draft by clicking the trash can icon associated with the Draft. This action will remove any notes and collection of uncommitted financial instrument changes you've made within that named Draft.

There is a maximum of 10 drafts available per household.


Ready to explore an upgrade to your subscription? Please select your desired plan or set an appointment to chat with us on the following page: 👉 Upgrade now!

*Note: Subscription upgrades may not be available to due organizational requirements.


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