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Assign Entity Ownership

Displaying Entity Financials Owned or Managed by Other Entities

Michael Schwabe avatar
Written by Michael Schwabe
Updated over 9 months ago

In this article


Note: All entities involved must be represented on the Asset-Map. To add a legal entity, right click (alternate click) on the Asset-Map and select "Entity". More about legal entities here.

Using the Entity Ownership feature you can designate the top level entity's percentage of ownership which can then be used to calculate the entity's stake or value in a second entity's financials (includes cash flows, assets, and liabilities). This works for displaying rolled up financials onto "human" members as well. The percentage of dollar values are summed up and displayed near the top level legal entity in the middle of the page.

On the Asset-Map, the group of financials of the same type "roll up" and can be expanded or collapsed with a click of the mouse. A PDF can be generated in either state by right-clicking (alternate click) the map and choosing "Generate PDF".

Activate the Feature

This is a two-step process

Link the Sub-entity with the Top Level Entity

On the sub-entity's edit window, check the "Include in Entity Ownership" checkbox, select the Linked Members, which would be the top level entity on the map (or other members on the map), and enter percent ownership(s) of financials. Note: this will include cash flows, assets and liabilities.

Activate the Feature on the Asset-Map

Right click (alternate click) on a blank, white area of the client's Asset-Map page. You can also click the Action Menu icon from the left-side menu. From the menu, hover over the "Toggle Visibility" option, then check the box adjacent to the "Entity Ownership" option.

This will provide a collapsed view of financials once they have been added to the sub-entity. To make this work, you have to add financials to the sub-entity. The roll-up tile will have blue fill with a dollar amount representing the sum of similar asset types. When expanded the mirrored tiles will have yellow fill.

Note: Percentages assigned in the prior step work to calculate the dollar values displayed on the top tier entity (or member) on the map.

Deactivate the Entity Ownership Feature

If on the sub-entity edit window, the "Include in entity ownership" checkbox is unchecked, no blue tile will appear, no percentage can be assigned, and dollar values will not be summed up on the top-tier's (or member's) Asset-Map.

Printing (PDF) Rollups

By default, the blue summary tile is not printed. To apply the rollup on a PDF use the option checkbox found on the household's Reports page.

Balance Sheet Implications

Dollar values are reflected for the original entity only and not on the top-tier entity.

Tips of Entity Ownership

  • The Entity Ownership feature is only active when the Assign Entity Ownership checkbox is checked and a percentage is assigned to the Linked Members on the entity's edit window.

  • By just linking members without activating Entity Ownership, assets will appear on the maps of the members and will not be double-counted on the household's Balance Sheet.

  • If two members are linked without Entity Ownership, assets will appear below the avatars if the avatars are present together on the screen.

  • On the Asset-Map, Toggle Visibility of Entity Ownership must be selected for the stacking effect (blue tile) to appear.

  • If Toggle Visibility of Entity Ownership is unchecked, assets will appear as joint assets if the linked members' avatars are present together on the screen.


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