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Add, Delete, Restore and Edit an Asset

Manage Real Estate, Retirement, and Non-retirement Assets, Current and Future

Michael Schwabe avatar
Written by Michael Schwabe
Updated over 2 weeks ago

A financial is a cash flow, liability, insurance, or asset that is represented by a tile on the Asset-Map. The shape and color may vary depending on the type selected.

Add a Financial with the Sidebar Applets Visible

  1. Click the plus icon at the top of the Sidebar applet list.

  2. Choose the type of financial to create.

  3. Fill in the fields with the red asterisk, which are required to produce the tile on the Asset-Map.

  4. Though not needed to create the financial, enter other information on the Essentials, Details, and Notes page.

  5. Click Create.

Add a Financial with the Sidebar Applets Hidden

Actions menu

Use the Actions menu when the Sidebar applets are hidden. Open the Actions menu by right-clicking on the map or clicking the colorize cross in the left-side navigation menu.

  1. Choose the type of financial to create.

  2. Fill in the fields with the red asterisk, which are required to produce the tile on the Asset-Map.

  3. Though not needed to log the financial, enter other information on the Essentials, Details, and Notes page.

  4. Click Create.

Financials page

Alternatively, navigate to the Financials page in the left-side navigation menu and add a Financial by clicking the desired type and filling in the information.
Examples of assets can include, but are not limited to:

  • home/real estate

  • retirement assets

  • non-retirement assets

  • brokerage accounts / stock options

  • tangible assets

  • annuities

  • Restricted Stock Unit (RSU)

Edit an Asset by clicking its tile on the map or the pencil icon or "Type" name on the Financials page.

  • Fill in or edit the information on the three tabs: Essentials, Details, and Notes.

  • The Essentials tab is required, the Details and Notes tabs are optional.

  • Fields with a red asterisk are required. However, if possible, take the time to fill in the fields on all the tabs because much of it is searchable in the Household Index and provides you the means to understand the financial at a glance while updating the map.

  • Dollar values must be typed.

  • Your notes on the Notes tab are viewable or printable from the Reports tab.

  • If using an integration some fields are already filled in (depending on the features of the integration). Yellow fields cannot be edited.

Edit Financial

  • On the Asset-Map

    • With Sidebar applets open, click the financial, expand/collapse each menu as desired, make corrections, and click Update to save your changes. Click the financial to bring the focus back to the map.

    • With Sidebar applets hidden, click the financial, review the tabs for corrections. Press Update when complete.

  • On the Financial Page. Click the pencil icon for the desired line item. Review the tabs for corrections. Press Update when complete.

Essentials Tab

Select Asset Type from three categories: Retirement, Non-retirement, Real Estate.

  • Retirement assets appear as tiles with red borders, non-retirement with green.

  • Often assets have ongoing contributions. If desired, enter ongoing contributions on the Details tab. Apply the start and end age/dates. A Contribution will appear as a cash flow on a Target-Map with the option to apply the total estimated funding.

  • Select Relevant Members. Use the drop down to select from one or more members on the map. Selecting more than one provides the option to divide the asset by percentage.

  • More than one tile is created if selecting more than one member. Annual amount is determined by the percentage of ownership designated.

  • There is a "joint" asset option when more than one member is selected.

  • A joint asset will create a single tile. If it is for a couple on the map, the joint asset will appear below the pair.

  • Legal Entities on the map are also eligible to be assigned assets.

  • Provide a name for the asset and a location in the corresponding text fields.

  • If the asset is under your management, click the "Under My Management" check box. The value and financial are counted in the Key Financial Figures.

  • Hide the tile if desired by checking the "Hide" box. Show it again by selecting the "Show Hidden" option in the Tools menu, clicking the tile and unchecking the "Hide" box. While hidden, the tile's value is not calculated on the platform.

  • If "Deferred Annuity" is checked, the tile will appear with a dashed border on the map. There are no automated calculations performed within the platform to convert an asset to a cash flow.

  • If desired, use the text fields to convey important information or questions. Here are some examples:

Reference name


Taxable Brokerage



Who manages?

Value Field and Future Value

If desired, the value field serves as an in-app calculator. Start the formula in the field with an equals sign " = " and complete the calculation by using the return/enter key on your keyboard. Example:

Straight-line depreciation

(asset cost – salvage value) / useful life


the asset cost is $10,000, the salvage value is $500 and useful life is 10 years


"="(10,000 – 500) / 10

"enter" calculates $950

  • Value fields in Asset-Map are annual dollar values. Ensure that a monthly value is multiplied by 12.

  • When a future start date or age is entered and saved, the tile's text is gray and the tile is not calculated with the current assets.

  • Asset-Map Platform checks dates. Therefore a future financial will become active when the future age is reached.

  • Use the Future Value text box if the expected asset in the Value field has increase already applied. Then utilize the Value as of Age/Date field to tell Asset-Map when the asset become active. Otherwise, leave the Future Value box unchecked. A future age/date may still be entered but it will assume no increase or decrease.

  • Leaving the Value as of Age/Date field empty assumes the member's current age.

  • "FV" on a financial indicates the Future Value check box has been used.

Other Options

Under My Management

Removes the asterisk on the asset. Adds to the Managed assets tracking

Deferred Annuity

Places a dashed line around the tile for differentiation.

Roth Features

Applies zero Loss to Tax on a Target-Map

Delete/Restore the Financial


On the Essentials tab, click the trash can icon. Or, on the Household's Financials page, click the corresponding trash can.


Recover mistaken member or financial deletions from the Household's Details page. Recover deleted items for up to 30 days.

Details and Notes Tabs

Enter these optional fields as desired.

Beneficiary / Contingent Beneficiary Fields

  • A member assigned as a Beneficiary will appear on the Beneficiary Report, found on the Reports page. View the checklist online, print the checklist as a stand-alone document, or include it as part of a comprehensive report.

  • Multiple members may be assigned percentages of the asset in the Beneficiary Field.

  • Primary Beneficiaries may be assigned.

  • Contingent Beneficiaries can be assigned and tracked on the financial but are currently not reported.

Grantor or Custodian Field

  • A member assigned as Grantor or Custodian will have a yellow tile assigned to their collection of tiles. The intent is to show that management of the financial is someone other than the interested member.

  • The yellow tile is not counted in the sum of asset values displayed.

Β» Special Feature: highlighting notes on the Notes tab provides you with formatting options and a web linking option.

  • Notes can be viewed as a Report on the household's Reports page.

Click Update or Create to finish your work or click Cancel to close the edit window without saving.


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