The Beneficiaries Page and associated report serve as a checklist that adds value to your client meeting conversations. You'll be able to clearly show your clients which assets are assigned to a beneficiary and contingent beneficiary and which are not, as well as the values assigned to them. The page is accessed by clicking the Beneficiaries option on the household tools menu.
Remember to assign beneficiaries and contingents on the Details tab of the asset's edit window. Remember that the beneficiary and contingent must be members in the household to be designated as a contingent.
Assign Beneficiaries and Contingents
To add a Member, click the Actions Menu, then Member to create a person who will appear on the map, or use the Relationships Page of the Household to add people and entities that will not appear on the map but be available for use as a Beneficiary.
Add a Member for the map:
Add a Member not on the map:
The "Include in My Household" checkbox determines if the member is catalogued but not as part of the Asset-Map (unchecked), or found on the Asset-Map (checked).
Use the Beneficiary and Contingent selectors to assign the beneficiaries on the Details tab of a financial. Assign desired allotment percentages as well.
The Beneficiary Page
Table View
Choose from the member or entity listed at the top of the page from whom their assets are designated to be distributed to. Select the type of beneficiary to whom the assets of the member are assigned.
The distributable assets are grouped into four categories:
Unearned incomes
Life Insurances
A lighter gray value assumes the spouse is the primary beneficiary.
A black text value indicates the member was specifically selected.
Clicking the name of the financial in the Category column (blue text) opens the financial's edit/information Details page, where beneficiaries and contingents can be selected or edited.
Beneficiary Visualization View
Click the visualization icon in the upper right area to change the table view into a block view for both Beneficiaries and Contingents. Each tile represents its financial value on the map.
An electronic version of the Beneficiary Checklist table view can be generated by clicking the PDF icon. It can be included in a comprehensive report or generated independently by checking the Beneficiary options on the Reports page.