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MoneyGuide Integration

Import client data from MoneyGuide to Asset-Map

Michael Schwabe avatar
Written by Michael Schwabe
Updated over 3 months ago

*Note: The household created by this integration is dependent upon the quality and accuracy of the data entered at the source. Generally, good and accurate data will result in a successful import into Asset-Map Platform.

Prior to Exporting Clients

Prior to exporting households into Asset-Map, please log into your MoneyGuide account, click "User Options" then click "Partner Options" in the drop down menu. Scroll down to "Allow Asset-Map" and select "Yes"

Connect a Household

Proactive tip! MGP imports assets of all types however, to make an impactful client conversation out of an Asset-Map, apply a stencil after importing to add even more discussion topics! The Integrations stencil is a good one.

If you have questions or need assistance, please reach out to the Money Guide Pro technical support team.

Asset-Map makes communicating with your clients productive and more impactful.

If you subscribe to MoneyGuidePro (MGP), this integration will allow you to seamlessly synchronize client account information directly from MGP to the Asset-Map Platform. Syncing the two together will give you the ability to generate Asset-Map reports for your clients and prospects to use in your client meetings.

Don't see Asset-Map as an option in MGP?  Ask your Broker Dealer to enable it.

In this section

  1. How to set up the integration

  2. How to generate an Asset-Map through MoneyGuidePro

  3. Managing the Integration (Sync, Disconnect, Reconnect)

  4. Current Limitations

Setting up the Integration

Note: an assistant/office manager (or other support type individual) cannot use their account to send data to Asset-Map Platform. The MGP license holder is the only one able to accomplish the integration.

Syncing the two platforms will be entirely managed through your MoneyGuidePro account. Follow these steps to get started:

1. Sign into your MoneyGuidePro account and click the "User Options" button.

2. Click "Partner Options" in the drop down menu, then Scroll down to "Allow Asset-Map" and select "Yes". 

3. Go back to the main menu, select "Start Planning" and go into a new or existing client's plan. From there you select "Options" in the top right corner of the screen and click "Request Asset-Map Authorization".

4. A new window will appear asking you to sign into your Asset-Map account. Type in your login information and click "Authorize". 

Note - You will only be asked to complete this authorization once. 

Generating an Asset-Map through MoneyGuidePro

  1. Once you have successfully authorized the integration and you are ready to start creating Asset-Maps for your clients, go to "Manage Integrations" on the bottom of the clients "My Plans" page.

2. Click the Asset-Map Icon, search the client's name, select the correct household from the list, then click "Add".

Note - Ensure the household member exists in Asset-Map in order for the integration to be successful.

3. Once the households are linked, go into the clients financial plan, click "Options", select "Send to Asset-Map", and a new page will pop up allowing you to view the clients household within the Asset-Map Platform.

4. Voilà! - from here you will be able to customize, apply stencils, create target-maps, and run client reports.

Managing the Integration (Sync, Disconnect, Reconnect)

How to update account values and re-syncing the integration

Repeat Step #3 above from the "Generating an Asset-Map through MoneyGuidePro" section above. 

Disconnecting a client from Asset-Map 

Repeat Step #1 from the "Generating an Asset-Map through MoneyGuidePro" section above.

After you click the "Asset-Map" integration button and it brings you to the follow screen, select the delete button.

Reconnecting a client with Asset-Map 

Simply repeat Steps 1 & 2 from the "Generating an Asset-Map through MoneyGuidePro" section above. 


  • Social Security cash flows import without the End Age field populated, which is a required field to save the Social Security financial. Ensure the End Age field has a value in it before attempting to update the tile.

  • In the event that household members in Asset-Map get duplicated, make sure to delete the extra members and change the Role of the new members to "Primary" and "Spouse". 

  • In the event that Asset-Map provides a 404 error when exporting from MGP, it indicates that the MGP contact is linked to an Asset-Map that no longer exists. It must be unlinked from MGP. Please access this Money Guide Pro page to unlink your MGP contact from Asset-Map. Then attempt to re-import.

Exported Data

This integration currently exports these items:

  • Client, Co-Client, and Dependent Demographic Information (Name, DOB)

  • Employment Income

  • Other Income

  • Social Security Benefits

  • Retirement Incomes

  • Other Assets (if they are listed as a Home in MoneyGuide)

  • Investment Assets

  • Liabilities

  • Insurance Policies

Note: You may need to seek approval from your Broker Dealer for the MoneyGuidePro integration to be turned on.

Tags: financials, contacts, CRM, link, connect, Money Guide Pro, MGP, moneyguide, moneyguide pro 


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