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Nitrogen Wealth (formerly Riskalyze) Troubleshooting
Nitrogen Wealth (formerly Riskalyze) Troubleshooting

Help for common questions regarding Nitrogen/Riskalyze

Michael Schwabe avatar
Written by Michael Schwabe
Updated over a year ago

In this article

*Note: The household created by this integration is dependent upon the quality and accuracy of the data entered at the source. Generally, good and accurate data will result in a successful import into Asset-Map Platform.

*Note: Synchronizing Asset-Map and Black Diamond with different browsers may produce unexpected results such as failing to sync within a browser. Please utilize the same browser.

*Note: Asset-Map does not support chain-linking (importing from one financial tool into a compatible partner into Asset-Map as this involves data feeds that are out of our control.)

The {name the financial} does not appear on the client's Asset-Map! Even when I sync it's not there!

Maybe the asset is hidden. Click the Search and Select tool to see if there are hidden assets on the Asset-Map. Reveal and unhide them as desired.

I get no error message but the IMPORT button doesn't go away.

Check that all accounts in the Nitrogen/Riskalyze contact has a balance greater than zero and attempt another import.

I get an error message when trying to enable Nitrogen/Riskalyze.

Answer 1: If you find you cannot synchronize with Nitrogen/Riskalyze, try disabling and re-enabling your connection from within Asset-Map.  Select Integrations from the menu found by clicking your name in the upper right area.  Choose Riskalyze then Unlink.  Enable it again by entering your Nitrogen/Riskalyze username and password.

Answer 2: That error occurred because the user credentials you are using to log into Nitrogen/Riskalyze is listed on the Nitrogen/Riskalyze account as an Assistant. Assistant level users work on behalf of the advisor level user on the account, they have access to the advisor's clients and data, however, assistant level users do not have their own data, so they can't set up direct integrations, only advisor level seats can have integrations. With Asset-Map, it must be set up using the credentials of the user who has the Advisor level seat on the account.

Answer 3: ensure you are not importing zero dollar accounts from Nitrogen/Riskalyze.

Nitrogen/Riskalyze is "broken" / Sync Error Invalid Refresh Token

If you find you cannot synchronize with Nitrogen/Riskalyze, try disabling and re-enabling your connection from within Asset-Map.  Select Integrations from the menu found by clicking your name in the upper right area.  Choose Nitrogen/Riskalyze then Reset.  Enable it again by entering your Nitrogen/Riskalyze username and password. This usually occurs when Asset-Map and Nitrogen/Riskalyze has been connected from different computers.

I don't see Nitrogen/Riskalyze Scores on the Asset-Map

Click the toggle menu (View Menu on the right) and select the Nitrogen/Riskalyze "On" switch at the bottom.

Not importing my client data from Nitrogen/Riskalyze

A connection is enabled but when I search for a name, no results are given.

That's because Nitrogen/Riskalyze will not import shared clients.  
Those with the shared icon cannot be imported into Asset-Map

Tags:  sync; username; password; log-in; integration; problem; connect; connecting

Re-syncing the Nitrogen/Riskalyze integration is creating duplicate accounts 

This generally happens when you create new portfolio in Nitrogen/Riskalyze rather than updating the current one. The accounts that were in the previous portfolio won't automatically get deleted or updated when you attempt to re-sync the integration in Asset-Map. 

To solve this you can refresh the integration you have between your investment planning software and Nitrogen/Riskalyze by hitting the "Actions" then "Sync now" button on the current portfolio. This avoids creating a new portfolio, which will then duplicate the accounts in Asset-Map.

The same concept applies if you enter the investments into Nitrogen/Riskalyze manually. Instead of creating a new portfolio, adjust what was in the current one. If you want to hang on to previous portfolios and their risk scores by duplicating the portfolio and updating the copy, you will have to manually delete the old accounts in Asset-Map before re-syncing the integration. 

Why are my former imported and edited financials gone and new tiles appear like I was importing for the first time?

This often occurs due to updating Nitrogen/Riskalyze with third party integrations before syncing with Asset-Map again. Asset-Map cannot support chain integrations, for example: eMoney to Nitrogen/Riskalyze then to Asset-Map, or Advyzon to Nitrogen/Riskalyze to Asset-Map. The code behind the scenes at the third party could potentially break the integration with Nitrogen/Riskalyze to Asset-Map.

Synchronizing does not bring over updates, instead fname" error occurs

When a synchronization occurs an 'fname' error appears with a warning triangle on the Household's Integration page. This is due to the Nitrogen/Riskalyze client ID changing within Nitrogen/Riskalyze. IDs change when the client has either been deleted or that the client was previously owned and shared by another user but has since been un-shared. Assuming that the client is still visible in Nitrogen/Riskalyze , if the client ID is now different it means you merged multiple clients. Reconnect to the "new" client to set the correct client id on the Asset-map side and you should be all set for future syncs to work as expected.

I can't find my clients in Nitrogen/Riskalyze when I search for them in Asset-Map

Often the reason is that the Nitrogen/Riskalyze cookie timed out. Deactivate and reactivate the Riskalyze integration to update the Nitrogen/Riskalyze cookie. In addition, try searching for part of the name instead of spelling out the entire name.

Nitrogen/Riskalyze has a "mute" feature that, when activated, prevents integration and updates from occurring. "Unmute" the contact prior to attempting to search or synch the contact.

A shared contact between two advisors in Nitrogen/Riskalyze cannot be imported or synchronized with Asset-Map.


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