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Nitrogen Wealth (formerly Riskalyze) Integration
Nitrogen Wealth (formerly Riskalyze) Integration

Show Nitrogen Wealth risk scores on an Asset-Map Report

Michael Schwabe avatar
Written by Michael Schwabe
Updated over a year ago


The Nitrogen Wealth integration with Asset Map imports member information as well as assets and Nitrogen Wealth scores. Two importing options are available:

  • Import a household from Riskalyze

  • Connect a member to Nitrogen Wealth from an existing household to import their assets

*Note: The household created by this integration is dependent upon the quality and accuracy of the data entered at the source. Generally, good and accurate data will result in a successful import into Asset-Map Platform.

*Note: Synchronizing Asset-Map and Black Diamond with different browsers may produce unexpected results such as failing to sync within a browser. Please utilize the same browser.

*Note: Asset-Map does not support chain-linking (importing from one financial tool into a compatible partner into Asset-Map as this involves data feeds that are out of our control.)

The Nitrogen Wealth Knowledge Base also has a review of this integration, found here.

Import a Household from Nitrogen Wealth

Connect a Member to Nitrogen Wealth

Link client information from Nitrogen Wealth with an existing, unlinked Household Member (or create a new Member) on the Asset Map. You can also "Unlink" a member from Nitrogen Wealth on this page.

Hide/Unhide Nitrogen Wealth Scores

When linked, the user has the option to hide or show the Nitrogen Wealth scores using the Show Nitrogen Wealth switch on the Actions menu:

Added Nitrogen Wealth Tabs

Various pages from within Nitrogen Wealth can be accessed directly from Asset Map using the member edit window from the Asset Map. By clicking on the appropriate Household Member and selecting the Nitrogen Wealth tab the Nitrogen Wealth Client and/or Nitrogen Wealth Portfolio can be accessed:

Similarly, if an imported financial instrument within Asset Map is selected the associated client in Nitrogen Wealth can be viewed as well as the associated portfolio:

Synchronization Options

Sync from the Actions menu, the right-click (alt click) menu, and the financial or member info/edit window.

Top Questions Advisors are Asking

Note: Accessing Asset-Map from multiple browsers could affect integration tokens causing a sync failure error. Please use one browser or disconnect and reconnect the integration from the Integrations page within Asset-Map to refresh the token.

  • Q: Is it possible to sync and update all households in Asset-Map at once?

    A: Currently, each household may be updated individually.

  • Q: Why aren't the Nitrogen Wealth scores appearing on the Asset-Map?
    A: Viewing scores is optional. Turn on the scores. Go to the Asset-Map menu (slides out from the right). Select Riskalyze "on".

  • Q: Does Asset-Map aggregate multi-member risk scores?

    A: Asset-Map does not aggregate multi-member riskalyze scores.
    ​Advisors who use Nitrogen either do one of the following:

  1. Treat the entire household under one client email by having one combined risk number (completed by one party but mindful of each other) and then upload all their portfolio holdings into one "client" in Nitrogen Wealth. When they sync with Asset-Map, they are bringing over scores for that one party and then adjusting the location of the asset ownership on the Asset-Map; or...

  2. Both members complete the scoring. In this case you should be putting the portfolio of each person with the actual owner in Nitrogen Wealth. But this causes a problem with joint assets: Who should you put joint assets under? Then you SYNC BOTH people in Riskalyze and Asset-Map by going to the Household Details and looking for the other client (Asset-Map member).

    1. The other thing you could do is do a modified #2 above when you want both numbers of their risk target to show but one score of the portfolio as a household. Put all the assets under one party in Nitrogen Wealth and then none under the second person. When you sync both members you will get independent targets for each of them and a single portfolio score next to the primary member.

  • Q: Insurance financials are not importing.

    A: That is currently a limitation of the Nitrogen Wealth API.


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