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Increasing the Net Growth Rate Lowers the Surplus. Why?
Increasing the Net Growth Rate Lowers the Surplus. Why?

Effect of Adjusting the Net Growth Rate on a Target-Map® Surplus

Michael Schwabe avatar
Written by Michael Schwabe
Updated over a week ago

In the case of a Capital Surplus, the Target-Map is over 100% funded based on the capital available selections. In other words, "What you have" is more than "What you want".

The net growth rate percentage is always applied to both "What you want" and "What you have".  In our example:

"What you want" is $100 for 35 years inflated at 3% per year.
"What you have" is $1000 for 35 years COLA at 3%.

Why did my surplus go down when my rate of return went up?
Because the 1% Net Growth Rate had a bigger impact on the side with more money. In our example, the Capital available has more money.  1% of $1000 is more than 1% of $100.
See the effect of changing the Net Growth Rate on the Capital Required (red) and the Capital Available below.


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