Team Settings

Customize firm branding and functionality

Michael Schwabe avatar
Written by Michael Schwabe
Updated over a week ago

In this article

The Team Settings page is comprised of the following tabs:

  • Accounts settings - set up your firm's experience

  • Discovery settings - set up your firm's Discovery features

  • Membership - invite and manage firm representatives

  • Activity - monitor the productivity for the firm or individual advisors

  • Signals - adjust available integrations (dependent upon subscription plan)

  • Integrations - adjust available integrations (dependent upon subscription plan)

Account Settings tab

Organization name - change as desired or required. Check with your Broker Dealer for any compliance issues.

Logo - add/change/remove your logo by dragging/dropping an image or click to select. Or, click "Remove Logo". Press "Update" when complete.

Auto Logout Time Limit - Users will be logged out after this many minutes of inactivity on an Asset-Map page, including multiple browser tabs. Users will be presented with a two minute warning. A Team Manager may select the desired length of time with the default being 60 minutes.

Security Settings - Require MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) for all users.
​Asset-Map Report settings - avatar subtitle and instrument value rounding options.

Report Disclosure (last page of a report) and Disclaimer (bottom of each page) - enter desired text in plain text. Then use the format buttons as desired.

Remember to press the UPDATE button at the bottom of the page after making changes.

Discovery Settings tab

Discovery Disclaimer - type in the text (unformatted) into this disclaimer if required. It appears on your Discovery Interview web interface your clients will see. Text entered here must be in plain text format and formatted as desired using our formatting tools on the text box.

Discovery Redirect URL - type in a URL if you'd like to send the client to a specific page after completing the online interview (use case: an appointment calendar or your firm's home page).

Discovery Custom Color - Select your primary brand color by clicking the color box. This color will apply to all of your Discovery Interview pages (for Elite Plan subscribers.)

Interested in upgrading to Elite? Click here!

  • Note: we do not recommend use of white because at this time white is the set font color as well.

  • Remember to press the UPDATE button at the bottom of the page after making changes.

Membership tab and Seat Types

If you have purchased multiple seat licenses you'll be able to invite other advisors or delegates to use Asset-Map until you've reached your license limit.

Click the Membership tab to view :

  • who is currently an Advisor;

  • who is currently a Delegate;

  • who can Manage the team (No license required.);

  • who has Billing management of the account. (No license required.)

  • buy more seat licenses

  • invite members to fill open seat licenses

Apply or Revoke access

A Team Manager may revoke log-on access by unchecking the associated box. This preserves the advisor's client data and frees up a seat license.

Remove Advisor from Table

Use the trash can icon to free up a license and remove them from your account. Please note that removing an advisor and freeing up a seat license does not stop the billing for the license.

Purchase Licenses

You may buy a seat license anytime.

Invite Team Members

Check your license availability and Invite advisors or delegates to your team using the Invite Members button. An email invitation will be sent to them to complete their access setup.

Assign which advisor a Delegate is intended for (called Delegation)

  1. Click the Delegation tab.

  2. Click the pencil icon to edit.

  3. Choose the Advisors selector and assign appropriately.

  4. Click the "check" icon to save or "x" to cancel your changes.

Firms / Broker Dealers may have an additional column called "Customize". Selecting the check box allows the advisor to change logo, disclaimer, disclosure, and Discovery redirect page.

Activity tab

You can view your own productivity in Asset-Map or the productivity of active advisors on your team for the past rolling 30 days. Click the Activity tab.

Search for a specific advisor. Click an activity from the color menu over the bar chart to view specific details like Household-Create (how many household were created and when), or PDF-Create (how many PDFs were created in preparation for client meetings and when).
An activity list is provided on the left for the past rolling 30 days.

Signals tab

The Team Manager is able to turn specific Signals on or off as desired for their organization if the applicable subscription plan has been purchased.

Integrations tab

The Team Manager is able to turn specific integrations on or off as desired for their organization if the applicable subscription plan has been purchased.


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