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Add, Delete, Restore and Edit Household Members
Add, Delete, Restore and Edit Household Members

Manage Family Members or the other Relationships of a Household

Michael Schwabe avatar
Written by Michael Schwabe
Updated over 2 weeks ago

A "Member" is an element of the Household that usually represents a person directly involved with the household's financials or is worth documenting for reference but not on the map. A member is also a legal entity.

Create a Member with the Sidebar Applets Visible

  1. Click the plus icon at the top of the Sidebar applet list.

  2. Choose the type of Member to create (member, entity).

  3. Fill in the fields with the asterisk, which are required.

  4. Though not needed to log the member, enter other information on the Essentials page, Details page, and Notes page.

Create a Member with the Sidebar Applets Hidden

Actions menu

Use the Actions menu when the Sidebar applets are hidden. Open the Actions menu by right-clicking on the map or clicking the colorize cross in the left-side navigation menu.

  1. Click Member, Professional, or Entity.

  2. Fill in the fields with the red asterisk, which are required to produce the member on the Asset-Map.

  3. Though not needed to log the Member, enter other information on the Essentials page, Details page, and Notes page.

  4. Click Create.

Relationships page

Alternatively, navigate to the Relationships page in the left-side navigation menu and add a Member by clicking the desired type and filling in the information.

Access to Creating Members and Legal Entities

  • Opening the Tools menu, then Actions, then Member or Entity

  • Clicking the action icon (3-dot icon) on the Member pane on the Household Summary page

  • Clicking the Relationships page, then

    • New Member to add to the map.

    • New Entity to add to the map.

    • Add New to add to Personal Relationships, Other Entities, and Professional Relationships that will be cataloged but will not appear on the map.

  • Clicking the Sidebar create applet ("+" )

Add Data

Use the three tabs of the edit window to add and modify member data.

  • The Essentials tab is required; the other two tabs are optional (but valuable to complete).

  • You can type an age instead of a date.

  • Use the "Date of birth is estimated" checkbox if the date of birth is not confirmed.

  • Select or Change Gender as appropriate. This may change the avatar on the Asset-Map depending on your default avatar settings.

  • The Relationship to Household on the Essentials tab is printed on the electronic PDF but not on the map web page.

  • Notes can be viewed and optionally printed on the household's Reports page.

  • Text in the notes field has valuable formatting options, even URL linking.

  • The Member and Entity list is a Report on the household's Reports page called "Member Inventory."

  • Use the Client Portal icon to share a link with the client to establish the login to their Client Portal.

  • Use the Dependent checkbox to designate the member's status. This will impact Education Target-Maps.

  • Use the "Include in My Household" box to include them on the map, or not to include them on the map but keep a record of the relationship on the Relationships page.

Edit Member

  • On the Asset-Map

    • Sidebar applets visible. Click the member, expand/collapse the information forms. Edit the information as desired and click "Update" as desired. Click the member to change the focus back to the map.

    • Sidebar applets hidden. Click on the member. Review the forms on each tab and edit as desired. Save your change by clicking the Update button.

  • Relationships page. Click the pencil associated with the desired line item. Review the information. Save changes by clicking the Update button.

Delete Member

Delete a member or entity by clicking the trash can icon.

Restore a Deleted Member

  • Enter the Household Details page of the household by clicking the household icon (home icon) on the left menu.

  • Click the "edit" link next to the household's name.

  • Click the Deleted Items tab and select the member to restore, or click the Financials tab and select the financial to restore.

  • Click the Restore Selected button to restore the member or financial.

Edit a Household Member

Edit a Household Member by clicking its avatar on the map or the pencil icon or the name in the Relationship column on the Members page.

Add, Delete, Edit, and Restore Other Members and Entities

Other members and entities can be added to a household for documentation purposes without needing to reside on the client's Asset-Map. Add them from the Household Members page. Perform other functions on them from there as well.

Note: A Professional Relationship cannot be undeleted, whereas other relationships and entities can.


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