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Veo® Integration

Import member and instrument data information from the Veo® platform into Asset-Map.

Michael Schwabe avatar
Written by Michael Schwabe
Updated over a week ago

In this article

*Note: The household created by this integration is dependent upon the quality and accuracy of the data entered at the source. Generally, good and accurate data will result in a successful import into Asset-Map Platform.

*Note: Accessing Asset-Map from multiple browsers could affect integration tokens causing a sync failure error. Please use one browser or disconnect and reconnect the integration from the Integrations page within Asset-Map to refresh the token.

How do I get Started?

Before you can successfully enable your Veo® integration within Asset-Map you must first complete the required Release of Information (ROI) form and submit it to TD Support via email &/or fax (specified within the form).  

Once TD has received your request, a member of their Support team will enable access to the Veo® Platform and notify you accordingly.  Once you have received confirmation from TD that access has been granted you may enable the integration within Asset-Map by simply entering your Veo® credentials and clicking the “link” button.

Top Questions Advisors are Asking

Q. What information is imported over from Veo®?
A. Member information and Financial Instruments (making Tiles on an Asset-Map). Details in the article below.

Q. What's the most important thing to do before I use this integration.
A. Ensure clean Veo® data (accurate, complete, up-to-date, with no duplicate entries) translates into the best Asset-Maps with minimum changes before you meet with the client.

Q. Where I can I call to get status updates on my application?

A. Tel. 800.431.3500 Opt. 3


The Veo® integration with Asset-Map will have the ability to import member and instrument data and information from the Veo® platform into Asset-Map. When a search is executed via the integration in Asset Map and a client is imported an Asset-Map Household will be created and all eligible data will be imported directly into Asset-Map.

Workflow & Included Information

The user can search for a client record via the search bar and either import to create a Household or click View to view a Household that has already been imported. User must be logged in to search/import.

Import Multiple Households/Contacts

With the text field empty, click the search magnifying glass icon and wait for your client list to appear (this may take minutes). Click Import adjacent to the desired contact names. Importing is complete for the household(s) when View is shown.

Member Level Information

  • First & Last Name

  • Address

  • Phone Number

  • Role

  • Citizenship

Key Member Level Notes

  • Date of Birth (DOB) imports to Asset-Map from Veo® as the date that the import is completed. This is expected behavior. Set the member's date to the correct date of birth.

  • Gender is set to default to Not Specified. This is expected behavior. Set the member to the correct gender.

Instrument Level Information

  • Asset Type

  • Account Type

  • Instrument Choice (for Retirement Assets only)

  • Owner Members

  • Reference Name

  • Location

  • Value

  • Date Collected

Key Instrument Level Notes

  • In the Asset/Instrument edit window the “Percentage Ownership” will always default to 100% for the member who is listed as the primary account holder in Veo®. If the user desires that percentage to be different than 100% (for example asset is jointly allocated to a member who is NOT imported via the Veo® integration) that will need to be adjusted manually after importing. 

Link TD to Previously Created Household Members

Note: Only Households with a Client or Prospective status are eligible for use with Integrations. This will not work with Samples or Stencils.

To link previously existing Household Members,

  1. Navigate to the Household Summary page.

  2. In the Integrations pane, click on Veo®:

  3. Search for the previously existing Household Member in the Veo® search bar within the Household.

  4. Once the desired Household Member is located in the search, from the Import To dropdown list, select the Household Member you would like to link the information from Veo® to Asset Map.

  5. After selecting the appropriate Household Member from the Import To drop down list, click Import to link the information from Veo® to the Household Member.

Once the Household Member is successfully linked, they will show up as a linked member on the Veo® integration screen within their Household. 

Synchronization Options

Sync from the Actions menu, the right-click (alt click) menu, and the financial or member info/edit window as well as from the Household Summary page.

If you're not an Asset-Map subscriber and would like a demonstration, schedule one today! We'd love to show you.


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