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Duration of Contributions
Duration of Contributions

Duration in years that should be calculated for the potential monthly contributions

Michael Schwabe avatar
Written by Michael Schwabe
Updated over a week ago

This is the duration in years that should be calculated for the potential monthly contributions. The default value is the number of years before the first listed "What you want" desired cash-flow schedule. It can also be the duration of the project when the Fixed Duration checkbox is checked on a line item in the What you want page.

This duration can be changed in order to model shortening the self-funding objective or increasing it to assume contributions during (or "through") a spending event. The amount of years will affect the Annual Contributions to Fund monthly savings.

Reset the duration to default (which is the earliest Start age on the What you want page) by clicking the reset circle-arrow icon. Use the reset feature anytime you change the earliest Start age on the What you want page.

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